Peaches are delicious but quite delicate – once they start ripening you have to get through them pretty quickly or they'll turn to mush. Nectarines are very similar but can be distinguished by their smooth skin in contrast to the fuzzy outer layer of a peach. Peach trees originate from China and Persia, from where they were brought to Europe and Great Britain.
They can be cultivated in the UK but their short shelf life means they need to be eaten or used within two weeks of harvesting. Fortunately however there is a lot you can do with them if they reach that stage – chutneys, peach and vanilla jam and this delicious peach preserve recipe.
Basic peach preserve Recipe
You'll need about 1.5kg – 2kg of fresh, sweet, ripe peaches. Wash them well to remove some of the fuzziness from the skin. Cut the peaches into quarters, removing the stones, and load into a large bowl. Add about 350ml of runny honey and some lemon zest pared into thin ribbons, and stir together well so the peaches are evenly coated in the honey and lemon mixture. Allow the bowl to sit so the flavours can develop for at least an hour.
Pour the honey and peaches mixture into a large, heavy based saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and then simmer gently, stirring regularly, for about 20 minutes. The peach wedges should be soft but more or less holding their shape.
Decant the peach preserve recipe into sterilised jars while still warm, seal and store in the refrigerator.
For optimum deliciousness, eat as a topping to muesli and yoghurt, spread over hot, buttered crumpets or with ice cream.
Alternative peach preserve recipe
This more adult recipe is ideal for when peaches aren't in season and can be used in exactly the same way as the previous version.100g dried peaches, finely chopped
100g sugar
1 tbsp peach brandy
Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon (optional)Add the fruit, sugar and brandy to a heavy based saucepan with 100ml of water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer gently for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. The preserve should thicken and form a syrupy mass. If the mixture is too sweet for your taste, stir in the lemon juice, or if it becomes too thick add a tablespoon or two of water to loosen.
Pour into sterilised jars while still warm, seal and store in the refrigerator.

26th Feb 2025
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