When is the right time to harvest fruits?

When is the right time to harvest fruits?

Posted by The Wares Team on 3rd Mar 2023

If you grow your own fruit and vegetables you will look forward to huge harvests of delicious fresh produce. But how do you know when it’s ready?

The main thing to do when looking to harvest your fruit is to regularly inspect it. A good rainfall or spot of sunshine can bring on any fruit, and it’s important to get to the fruit before the birds do and before it becomes spoiled.

Most are ready to harvest in the summer and you can tell when they’re ready by gently squeezing them before picking them or you can follow the guide below which can tell you which fruit you can harvest each month:

British Home Growers Seasonal Produce Calendar

What fruit is in season right now?

Spring Fruits

  • -Bananas
  • -Kiwifruit
  • -Lemons
  • -Limes
  • -Pineapples
  • -Strawberries

A pleasant side effect of eating what's in season is that you get a broader variety of foods in your diet. When you shop locally, you have a wonderful opportunity to discover new foods and new recipes. By eating seasonally, you naturally adopt a shift in the foods you eat; your diet shifts with the seasons. During the warmer months, you eat lighter foods and then heavier foods in the colder winter months.

The further your food has to travel, the larger the carbon footprint it leaves. Buying locally-grown seasonal foods can reduce our carbon emissions and support our community!


- Rhubarb stalks are packed full of health benefits but never eat the leaves as they are poisonous to humans!

- Strawberries are a type of rose and can be found in a variety of different colours such as white, pink, yellow and of course red!